Music, ok. So they're going to be a very brief class on how to fill out 50 988 echos, typically the new ones at a gr me, and how to put in all the fault codes you require. Music, music. Oh, music. All right, so we're using as an example form we have 126 front and back, 126 tango front and back. I'm sure you're actually looking at 59 88 echo. This happens way more than it should. Okay, not a 24 or not 59 87 echo, which is vehicle to dispatch, but an actual 39 88. I go to get a safety net echo at the top-left corner and say equipment maintenance and inspection worksheet. Verify the date; it should be today's date or very close to today's date. This is far more for maintenance than it is for you. If we get a 59 88 that's extremely outdated, even if it has faults, it's probably just going to get filed eight in the top-left corner. So, that's why all your admin data, so that's everything within this year blue. You look at the admin number, model number, equipment number, equipment nomenclature, the technical manual serial number, registration number, and equipment NSN. All of this can be pulled from your data plate, with the exception of your admin number. Hi, verify mileage. That is your current reading that should match what is the current reading of your abdominal prep. Please circle the mileage as you see here. This tells maintenance that you, in fact, actually looked at the mileage. If the mileage is correct, please do not cross out the mileage and then annotate the same mileage below. When we're sorting fifty-nine eighty-eight, if we see one that's crossed out, that just tells us there's a mileage update. But...
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Da 5515 Form: What You Should Know
TRAINING AMMUNITION CONTROL DOCUMENT. DA FORM 5515, MAY 2004, US Army Training Activity, San Antonio, TX. This form is for use by all entities involved in the acquisition of training ammunition. In the event that the proposed activity involves the purchase of training ammunition, the proponent shall submit the form to the military services as soon as reasonably practicable after the establishment of the proposed activity. DA Form 5515, May 2004. DA Form 5515, Training Ammunition Control Document. DA Form 5515. DA Form 5515 is used to facilitate the acquisition, storage, and transportation of training ammunition. This form provides for the acquisition, storage, and transportation of all training ammunition and related material. Use of Military Training Ammunition In Support of the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) or the Individual Ready Service (IRS) DA Form 5515 includes information on training ammunition (including the appropriate units, depot, and training unit). DA Form 5515. DA FORM 5515 provides information relating to the acquisition, storage, and transportation of training ammunition for the USO. DA Form 5515 Training Ammunition Control Document.
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Video instructions and help with filling out and completing Da form 5515